Papers and Essays
Are Tongues for All Believers? What is the Mark of the Holy Spirit?
Some faithful followers of Christ believe that the Holy Spirit would like to give the gift of tongues to all believers. I will explain from Acts and 1 Corinthians why I think there is a better way to understand tongues, and a better mark of the Holy Spirit. These followers often arrive at this…
Which Cup did Jesus Drink? How was He Forsaken? (Matthew 26:39; 27:46)
“My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.” “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matt 26:39; 27:46). This paper argues that the unwanted cup represents suffering caused by humans, not by God; and that Jesus was forsaken by God just as the composer of Psalm 22 and the troubled…
Made Like Us, Tempted Like Us (Hebrews 2-5)
Made like Us, Tempted like Us: the Weakness of Jesus and the Perfecting of the Sinless High Priest in Hebrews 2-5.” One of the perfections of Christ in Hebrews is that he is a merciful and faithful high priest, a sympathetic and compassionate priest for those who need propitiating help. That perfection…